By Amy Tate Berenson, MBA, CPCC, ACC

We can all come up with ways our lives could be better, right? A little more joy, money, love, freedom, creativity . . . could make all the difference. But how can you go about making it happen? You must first look at what is holding you back.
1. Tap into your hidden strengths
What are those things you are good at and enjoy doing? Do you have talents that go unused but are yearning to be activated? What has been dormant inside you? Have you stopped yourself from doing something impulsive yet positive such as volunteering for a committee, taking a course or simply taking time to yourself? Or have you put off making a bigger change that could improve your life such as finding a new job, ending an old relationship or changing your location? You have gifts and talents for a reason. And those gifts are meant to be shared with the world.
2. If you had no fear, what could you accomplish?
What voice do you hear when you try to make a change? Does it stop you from moving ahead? What if you had a strategy that would help you push through your resistance? What would you do first? What would it be like to move the road blocks away so you could see and take your path to move ahead . . . to apply for that job . . . have that conversation . . . go to that place . . . pick up that hobby . . . change that relationship . . .
For just a moment, (stay with me here), pretend there is no fear of failure, rejection or embarrassment. Picture yourself accomplishing what you wish you could. Pause. How good does that feel?
3. Learn how to make it happen
At the upcoming workshop, you will find out how to connect with your inner strength and confidence, gain power over your Inner Critic and move forward on whatever is important to you!
About Amy Tate Berenson

With an MBA and 20+years experience in non- and for-profit worlds, Amy is a certified coach who helps professionals reach their dreams by exploring their potential and passions. Using the phone, internet or face-to-face discussions, she offers grounded, non-judgmental and collaborative coaching. With a home office on the north shore of Boston, Amy also sings soprano in the Old North Festival Chorus, plays indoor badminton and sails the waters off Marblehead MA as often as possible. Her specialty is working with motivated adults ready to level up. She lives her dream – a life of purpose and service – every day and helps clients do the same.