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Spring and Our Creative Power

Writer's picture: PeytonPeyton

a channeled message from Spirit by Peyton Pugmire

This is the natural flow, triggered by the spiritual, celestial, and energetic shift of this season. Spring!

The residual New England snow is melting, temperatures are slowly increasing, and one can begin to smell earth as it softens and awakens from winter’s freeze. We, too, are thawing. And our attention is shifting from inside to outside – inward to outward. This is the natural flow, triggered by the spiritual, celestial, and energetic shift of this new season. Spring!

Spring truly is THE season of creative power, which we can easily harness. This season is a calling to “resurrect” - even if only from winter’s chill - and take advantage of our own, innate creativity to stir action and manifest new dreams and goals. The energy all around us is ripe for this sort of magic productivity! This is the perfect season to brainstorm, imagine BIG, put pen to paper, build, paint, move, dance, sing, and tickle the spiritual particles that envelop and surround us.

The veil between our world and that of Spirit opens wider in this blessed, colorful time...

Have a dream tugging at your heart? Heed its call, and listen to what it is telling you. Where is it urging you to go? A new trip? A new adventure? A new job? A new relationship? A new artistic endeavor? Now is the time to pay attention to these inner stirrings and say YES to co-creating with Universal energy – your heart – and your soul! The veil between our world and that of Spirit opens wider in this blessed, colorful time so that we may do all of this and more. The time for birthing (and re-birthing) is now!

Nature reflects back to us our human potential...

Nature is reflecting these truths and messages. Look around! Trees will soon bud. Flowers will dance up from the dirt, and the animals, too, are emerging from slumber. The birds' song is a calling to us all to take flight! It is easy to take these annual patterns for granted but this vernal phenomenon does not happen by mistake or merely for planetary “housekeeping.” No! Nature reflects back to us our human potential and what we, too, are capable of experiencing and accomplishing.

So, ask yourself: This spring, in what way will I blossom? Take a deep breath and listen to your heart’s response. Make note, and then set your intention for this to occur over the coming months.

This morning, I had the pleasure of connecting with Spirit and the Angelic Realm to channel a message about this season. I asked, “what is the relationship between spring and our creativity?” Spirit shared the following with me:

These are the dreams which have been designed and gifted to you, dear ones, from Spirit, for all of humankind.

"Spring, dear ones, is the time to give birth to new ideas. Those ideas which have begun to hatch in your powerful mind’s eye, in your hearts, and souls. These are the dreams which have been designed and gifted to you, dear ones, from Spirit, for all of humankind. Foster these Divine ideas, and harness the powerful energy of this new season to make manifest these and all that you desire. Bask in the Easter energy of Resurrection – the energy that transcends ALL religions, actually, and bestows upon all living creatures the magic and ability to rise above and become lifeless.

(I paused here and asked for clarification from Spirit about what was meant by “lifeless.” Spirit replied to clarify that it means “devoid of human construct – or limitations. It means boundless!)

Harness nature’s power and love, as well. Drink it in, soak it up, for the air will now inspire your creative work. Make manifest all that you desire.

In regard to transcendence, this opportunity is about emerging out of the body’s limitations and seeing yourself as limitless. In the Spirit world there are no boundaries. All is possible – as it is on earth. Look around. Opportunity is endless. It may seem limited, but this is merely a trick of the mind – the controlling Ego. Opportunity is endless for you, dear ones. Bask in the joy of this Divine reality, for now is the time to make manifest your grand schemes, plans, beautiful ideas. Run with them and shower the world. Now is the time. Run and play!

Now, go in peace."

I hope this message offers much inspiration for the season. I found Spirit’s piece about resurrection interesting. Despite being raised under the Christian religion, I now “subscribe” to a conglomerate of religious, esoteric, and spiritual beliefs and myths. The Easter story and its theme of resurrection and re-birth, however, are generally applicable to everyone, as clarified here by Spirit. These themes are also present someway in all world religions. When Spirit shared this, it resonated with me on a deep soul level.

Spirit also made a book recommendation, which it often does for my clients. Elizabeth Gilbert’s book, Big Magic (Riverhead Books), is a fabulous read – all about the “magical” origin of our creative ideas. Spirit showed me this book’s colorful cover (one of my favorite book covers) while I was typing the third sentence: “These are the dreams which have been designed and gifted to you, dear ones, from Spirit, for all of humankind.” This is the essential idea of Gilbert’s book. I recommend picking up a copy and reading it this spring!

Thank you for reading everyone. I wish you all a joyful and CREATIVE spring!

Love and Light,


Peyton Pugmire is a spiritual intuitive and the owner of Creative Spirit, center for creativity and personal transformation, located in Marblehead, MA. You can learn more and schedule a spiritual intuitive reading with Peyton by visiting

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