I walk the labyrinth
yearning to be one with the Truth.
My heart drawn to the center
the true north,
my true self.
Leaving in my wake the shed skins
of the me that never was.
One small halting step after another
through bliss and loss and darkness and light.
At times resting in the holding
of sacred nothingness.
About Margie Herrick
Margaret (Margie) Atkinson Herrick is a current Creative Spirit exhibiting artist who has lived in Marblehead for over two decades. When moving back to Massachusetts in the 1990’s, she and her husband made the choice to endure the commute into Boston and Cambridge in order to enjoy the magic of living in a coastal community. Traveling to raise funds supporting the mission of organizations such as Harvard Divinity School, the Union of Concerned Scientists, the Peabody Essex Museum, Girls Inc. of Lynn and ACCION International was exciting and rewarding. But she was always anxious to return home to the special quality of light and quirkiness that is Marblehead. Now, as the memories of the tortuous commutes fade, every morning since retiring she celebrates their decision.