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Creative Spirit 1 Year Anniversary!

Writer's picture: PeytonPeyton

By Stephanie DeFazio

This is your center for you to go into your heart and your soul and get in touch with your authenticity and your truth. It's where you can feel empowered, inspired and emboldened to bring that truth to life everyday, however you choose.

-Peyton Pugmire, Founding Director, Creative Spirit

What an incredible 1 year anniversary celebration we had at Creative Spirit last Thursday!

So many of us gathered in support of such a special place, and its exceptional Founding Director, Peyton! It was like a family reunion for creative spirits. So much has happened during the first year. To date, Creative Spirit has hosted 29 workshops, held 7 non-juried art exhibits, showcased 175 pieces of local and regional art, co-produced 5 collaborative programs (with the Marblehead Chamber, Marblehead Museum, Discover Marblehead), offered 16 free programs/events, gave 79 spiritual intuitive readings, and completed 3 space clearings. Whew, what a year it's been!

Check out some photos from the celebration below!

Our hearts do not scream, our hearts is part of our journey to pause and hear that whisper. And then we say yes, slowly, however we need to, however we can to move forward and manifest our truth.

-Peyton Pugmire, Founding Director, Creative Spirit

Peyton gave an inspiring speech, where he revealed that he's always been a creative spirit, ever since he was a kid. He spoke briefly about his own coming out story. For years, he dealt with deep fear and anxiety, knowing he was gay and afraid of being unloved because of it. When he had the courage to come out during his Freshman year in college, he felt so much love from the universe because he was able to accept who he was and embrace his authentic self. This courage and acceptance is what he wants to continue to impart on others through the offerings at Creative Spirit. That's his mission, his purpose.

He shared more about the campaign over the next year, "Come Out Everyday" (#comeouteveryday), and he encouraged all of us to find ways to embrace who we are to the fullest! He also revealed that this year's theme for the upcoming 7 art exhibits is the Year of the Rainbow, inspired by color's power. Is it just me, or is anyone else thinking about several awesome songs about rainbows!

Peyton invited some of his friends to speak as well about Creative Spirit and what it means to them. Peter shared an amazing Dr. Seuss quote about how those who truly matter in your life don't mind who you are and fully embrace your uniqueness! Peter also wonderfully described Creative Spirit as an invitation to be you, to grow, go beyond your comfort zone, and connect with your community.

Creative Spirit is an invitation to be who you are, but also an invitation to move forward, maybe to the edge of your comfort zone or a little bit beyond. An invitation to blossom, to deepen, to expand. It is also an invitation to be in connection with community.-Peter Boteas

Rosie was next to speak and told her story about how she discovered Creative Spirit when taking a walk one day, and that began her friendship with Peyton. She had been looking for her group, her "tribe" as she described it, and she found it with Peyton and the community at Creative Spirit.

Peyton and the entity of Creative Spirit are one. Creative Spirit is Peyton. There would be no Creative Spirit or this kind of love and haven here without him.

-Rosie Dalton

Karen was the last to speak, and mentioned how special Creative Spirit is in Marblehead. She said that the community is richer for it, because it's a place where creative souls can come together for mindful living, joy, and laughter.

Marblehead has never seen anything, in my 40 years, anything like this center (Creative Spirit). He brings creativity, light and love, and it’s just pure and it shines bright. Kids love it, everyone loves it. He brings very unique and creative personalities together. -Karen Matthews

Thanks to all who came out to celebrate Creative Spirit's anniversary. There's more excitement to come with the new campaign, and if you're looking for something fun to do this Summer, check out the awesome lineup of classes!!

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